A last post before the walk...probably!

Good morning all :)

I know I said the last post was probably the last post before the walk but as ever, I've changed my mind!

So, here is the last post, probably, before I head to London this afternoon which usually would be nothing out of the ordinary but today seems hugely exciting.

This week and last have been quiet on the training front and in the last few days I've had the absolute pleasure of 'carbing up'. It's only when you start eating pasta for the first time in a while you realise how much you miss it. I will be looking forward to more of it at Kings Cross when I meet Phoebe later, in the early evening, for a last bowl-full before I head to friends in Bushey, where I will be staying tonight. Linda, brAmyac team member, will be coming over at 5am tomorrow and we will head to Richmond, getting a lift with my lovely friend, Nigel, and my other lovely friend Dawn who is coming with to wave us off :). So kind of them! When we get there, we are meeting up with one of the CEOs of the charity, Helen from Cavernoma Alliance UK, who is also coming to wave us off. Who gets up at crazy o'clock on a Saturday to go to Richmond Park to support us? Good people, that's who!

Anyway, back to this week and a couple of nights ago I had a message from our relatively new neighbour, asking if we were in. We definitely were, and were all ready for a cosy drinky in the garden so she popped over and had one too and was amazingly kind enough to bring with her a gift bag for me.

How intriguing eh? I mean, it's not my birthday and it's definitely not Christmas and I've done nothing for her to deserve a gift but here it was, wrapped in all it's pink and fluffy glory. It would have been rude not to open it there and then and I couldn't believe my eyes! Some people are just so kind and thoughtful and it completely blows me away!

So, what was inside it? This little lot :)

I have a feeling I have a reputation. Along with all the fab walking stuff, the deep heat and blister plasters, the foot socks and energy bar, the sun cream and even the disposable she-wees, there was, of course, a gin and tonic. Naturally! I was amazed. 

I have to admit, through this whole experience I have seen the absolute best and the worst of people. I think when people are going through 'stuff', their friends and relations go one of two ways and I'm happy to report that in the main, we have been shown nothing but kindness and support. The other side of it I definitely won't dwell on.

So, that's that, definitely! My next report will be post walk when hopefully I will be able to tell you that our little team of four, me, Gordy, Linda and Ruth, have walked 101.5km to Brighton from Richmond Park. Thank you again for reading, supporting and being there, we are all grateful.

And, if you're reading this and want to donate, please feel free to help us reach £20,000 by going to this link:


Many many thanks!


  1. We've got this, o great brAMYac leader! 😁 👊

  2. We have!! Oh fab team brAMYac member!! :) 🏃‍♀️🏃👊


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