What's with the weather? And other stories!

Good morning :). It's Sunday and grey and wet and not that warm. I'm not a happy bunny! I thrive on good weather, and this is just getting a bit too much. Whoever is in charge of weather up there, we are all fed up with it now, can we have some sunny warmth please? You teased us last week for a day or two, but honestly? That wasn't enough.


So, back to the point. Friday was a designated walk day. I had arranged with a friend to go walking which has been seriously lacking. Yes, I feel I've barely trained, and am beginning to panic, and also walking with a friend is lacking too. I mean, it's so much more fun than trudging on my own. So, my friend Ian and I had arranged to meet on Friday morning but I knew the arrangement was doomed when he finished his last message with 'see you Friday, weather permitting'. Darn you, weather person up there!

So with the arranged walk postponed for now, I decided I would do three hours on the treadmill. Did I? Did I heck!  I managed an hour. To be honest, the monotony of the treadmill has never bothered me but on Friday I really wasn't in the mood so it was the longest hour of my life. I was also on a bit of a time constraint for reasons that will be clear in a moment, so I'd have had to start early and of course, for one reason or another, I didn't. I did my gym session first, as did Dan, had a bit of breakfast, faffed about it bit, oh and went shopping and took the dog for her walk so in the end I'd have only had time for 90 minutes anyway and that last half hour seemed a bit pointless so I stopped at an hour. Thankfully. By the time I got off the treadmill I was ready to commit Hari Cari!

'So when when on earth are you going to train for this walk Rebecca?' I hear you ask. Hmm. Very good question. I'm hoping to do a long walk on Tuesday and then a semi-long one on Wednesday and hopefully that will get me going again.  Time is definitely running out and I'm having major panics and we have a lot going on in May which is a massive problem but one way or another, I'm going to walk 100km on 27/28 May. And Gordy, when you read this, oh fabulously trained one that you are, you are going to have to push me a lot that weekend!

Anyway (no 'So' this paragraph, see what I did there?), the reason I was on a time constraint on Friday was because Amy came to stay for the weekend and her train was arriving at 2ish :). Oh happy days!  It's so lovely to see her, to spend time with her and to see how things actually are improving. It's so wonderful. The last couple of times I saw her only briefly really and hadn't noticed how things had moved along but I can really see it now, it's so heart warming. I'm pretty sure she feels it too and, as she said, if it wasn't for the fact that her job needs a lot of communicating, she'd have been back at work a good two or three weeks ago. But she doesn't work in an office or have the ability to work from home. She works in a school, teaching English and up until now it would have been too difficult to do it. However, she's thinking now about when she can go back, not if. Yay. She is definitely getting there!

And the other day, when I saw Amy with the rest of the family I took a pic of her scar but I can't remember if I posted it, pretty sure I didn't so here it is. Amazing eh? That surgeon definitely knew what he was doing :)

And there you have it. A far more positive update about Amy and a fairly negative one about the walk but on the plus side, as a team the walk has now raised just under £6000! Incredible :). I'm so proud of us, and so glad that we can help the Cavernoma Alliance UK :). If you haven't donated yet, there's still plenty of time. Here are the links:  https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rebeccadecker  https://www.justgiving.com/team/bramyacs

Thanks again for all the incredible support. 


  1. Make that £7,000+! 😯 Paul's definitely doing his bit, despite his enforced absence from the walk!

    As for the weather, speak for yourself - I'll be quite happy with this temperature on May 27th and 28th. 😜 (Though probably not the rain.)

    Actually, to be fair, I was thinking of a bonus walk (while away with Sam near Leighton Buzzard) this afternoon, but the threat of showers is putting paid to that, so I guess you have a point prior to May 27th. 😉

    Great news about Amy! 😀 As scars go, yeah - that's a pretty good one. 👍 Glad you enjoyed your weekend with her. 😊


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