Well, hello again!

I know, it's been a while. I'd like to say it's because I've been busy training but it's definitely not that unfortunately. To be honest, I've had very little to report on any front.  I'll start with Amy.

Amy's progress has definitely slowed which I suppose was inevitable at some stage. The initial fabulous change from day to day hasn't continued and now I suppose it will be occasionally lurching forward and then a rest for a while before the next lurch. At least, that's what I hope will happen, as, of course, does Amy. She remains, as ever, as upbeat as she can manage which at times isn't easy and I'm glad to say we have found a weekend for her to come up and visit here, which will be hopefully a lovely rest for her.

As for training. I have lost my momentum! My heel seems to be healed which is the good news and the other day I forced myself to walk over 11 miles on the treadmill. I actually set the treadmill to do 20km which I did but the treadmill and my watch measure very differently! According to the treadmill I'd done 700 more steps than my watch told me too, isn't technology strange. 

Still, I obviously didn't take a picture of my final distance 😕 but I did get one after 10 miles. Not the fastest, but I was glad to give my new trainers a good go and I have to say, they're flipping fabulous! So comfortable, now all I have to do is get my mojo back so I can get on and train properly!

So, that's my news. Not exactly earth-shattering but hopefully next weekend I'll find time to get a walk in. I may have gone out today but a. it's wet and I don't fancy getting drenched, b. we have friends coming tonight so I have things to do, and c. I'm nursing the worst hangover in history! (never again...again!).  I'm going for a stroll with friends on Easter Monday but I can't really count that, so I'll need a better plan. I'd like to try 10 miles one day then 5 the next, and start to build again that way. The plan is in my head, I just have to let my feet know!

Have a fab weekend all :)


  1. Well I think 10 miles in 2 hours and 40 minutes is quite fast, even if you don't. 😛

    I like the consecutive-day concept you've got planned - I'll have to move to that soon too, I think.

    But my walking training has gone to pot too, partly because of life getting in the way, and partly because of the woeful March weather. If it's not been raining (which it usually has been), any off-road ground has been thoroughly sodden, making walking through it slow, mucky and tedious at best, or impossible at worst. Might have to stick to boring roads until things dry up a bit.


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