Out with the old...

After my walk on Saturday, I decided to rethink shoes. My shoes, which I love and adore, are quite obviously not fit for purpose. They're wonderful on fields and footpaths, but show them tarmac and they suck big time! So, in the early hours of the morning (which is really when I do most of my best thinking) I decided to get new footwear.

Obviously by the time I'd made the decision I was wide awake so started googling local sports shops. I often buy my trainers and boots online but this time there was no room for error so I needed somewhere that does foot checking, where they check the way you walk, which way your feet lean, gait and such. Hmm, maybe that is 'gait', yep, probably!

Anyway, I googled local sports shops and found there was one in a village just a 25 minute drive away. Bonus.  With other things already on the agenda for this week and especially today, I tried to shuffle things around so that I could go shoe shopping. I was meant to be doing my friend Jan's nails this afternoon but between us we did some time adjustment so that I could then pop near Doncaster to Metres to Miles, a specialist running shop in a very cute village called Epworth. 

I'd never been to Epworth before and it's quite different. There's loads of beauty shops, and clothes, all little quaint independents, as well as a hardware shop and hair transplant place for men, as well as extensions for women, and I presume men too should the need arise,  not to mention the compulsory Estate Agents. And in a very tiny alley, there's a sportswear specialist. I mean, it's not a big village but there's certainly plenty of shopping available as long as you don't want to eat. I did spot a bakery though and a tea room actually, so scratch that last comment.

Metres to Miles, the running shop, is run by a lovely man, whose name I don't know, who is full of good advice and is incredibly knowledgeable about sports footwear.  He tested my gait and then brought out a few different pairs of trainers, all of which fitted perfectly, clever man, though some were more comfy than others, all obviously quite expensive, but what price comfort eh?

I've never been to a shop where I have been encouraged to walk in the shoes outside! I mean, who does that. Surely the soles get dirty?  But I wore them all outside, up and down the courtyard, one pair after the other, then a left  shoe of one pair and a right shoe of another, chopping and changing until I found my perfect pair. Apparently they don't even need walking in, though I might ignore that and give them a good go anyway, at least for ten miles or so, just to make sure they're ok, though if they're not, there's nothing I can do about it now!

Bless the man in Metres to Miles, when I asked him if he could think of anything else I needed, he said as long as I have comfy shoes and a few good pairs of socks, the rest can be thought about nearer the time. Definitely not a pushy salesman. I like that.

So, though I was very tempted to purchase a pair of waterproof socks, I held out. I can get them nearer the time if the weather is awful and I'm beginning to think I've spent enough on socks already.

And there we have it. With my new rucksack and my new trainers, and more socks on the way, I'm getting there with what I need. Now I just need the stamina to walk 100km. 

Aren't they pretty? As I said to Mr Nameless in the shop, they're very pretty, and then had to backtrack and tell him that obviously comfort is more important. Not sure he was convinced about my priorities. Hey ho, neither am I.

Aside from the walk, and more importantly, I spoke to Amy yesterday. She is bored, and wishes her speech would come on faster than it is. I understand. It's still very early days but I can imagine the frustration. She sounds ok in herself though but she tires very easily, inevitably. I suppose we have to keep remembering that Amy has had rather major brain surgery.  I'm going to try and get up to London next week, though I'm having my finger operated on next week, (very minor surgery!) but hopefully the following day I'll be able to get to see Amy. Fingers crossed. No pun intended!


  1. I might check out that hair extension place if I'm up your way again. 😁 (Just kidding. 😛)


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