Not quite brain surgery...

 Yesterday I had surgery.  Ok, so it wasn't brain surgery but other than the stitches I had on my chin when I was young for falling off seesaws, not once, but twice (don't even go there) having my wisdom teeth out at the age of 13 and the inevitable sewing up after childbirth, I have never had surgery. I admit, it didn't take 6 hours, it took 20 minutes though like Amy I was awake for the whole procedure. I'm so brave ;). Yep, I had a 'mucus cyst' removed from my finger. It was a very ugly lump, and I won't be posting a pic, simply because it wasn't very nice, but I'd had it a few years so it had become part of the furniture, so to speak. However, it was time for the little bugger to go, so I went to the doctor who referred me to a hand surgeon who took it off yesterday. 

Now, those of you who know me of old, know that I am not a fan of private hospitals. So to discover that the surgery would be done in a private hospital, albeit through the NHS, was a surprise to me. I didn't realise that this is now a thing. If there's no way they can do things in an NHS hospital, they farm it out to a private hospital which let's be honest, must be costing the NHS a fortune. 

When I got there I was greeted by the hotel hospital receptionist.

She was very lovely and asked me to take a seat which I duly did.

It was all very plush. Even the telly was posh!

Before long I was ushered into a room they called a ward by a lovely nurse. There were four chairs, and four tables and four of us waiting for surgery. All NHS patients.  Two had carpel tunnel problems, one had a tendon issue and me with my trusty lump. As with everything up in the north, the people were lovely and we chatted away as each one of us in turn went for our surgery. I have to admit, it was a rather pleasant experience.

So, surgery done, I am now hoping, as I try a walk on the treadmill today, that my heel is improving, because weights are going to be a problem for a week or two and I need to be doing something!

Later today I'm off to London for a party, armed with a stack of paracetamol and some co-codomol for good measure, just in case it gets too painful. I'm also going to take the opportunity to go and see Amy, I'm really looking forward to it. Though I may only manage an hour with her, it'll be the first time I've seen her since I stayed there after her surgery so it's been a while. 

What's that? You want to see a picture of my ex-lump? Oh ok, here you go ;). I kinda wish now I'd named it, hey ho.


  1. 😬 Yeah - you had to get that removed. You did well to tolerate it for a few years. I have something similar just above my right eye, but it's not as obtrusive as the one on your finger, so I shall put up with it for now. The skin on my eyelid is obviously very delicate, so definitely nothing I can deal with myself.

    I thought you were gonna say the paracetamol and co-codamol were for any potential party hangover. 😁 Ya dirty stop-out. 😜


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