I'm not going to panic! Agghhh!!!

I will not panic

I will not panic

I will not panic..etc ad inifinitum!

Ok, let's start at the beginning.  After the excitement of buying new trainers I tried them out on the treadmill...

Ok, that's not the beginning, I'll start again.

After my mega walk last week I was really thrilled at the distance, not so much the time but times can be worked on. A couple of days later (I'm old, forgive me for forgetting which day it was) but not long after the walk I started getting a slight pain in my heel. Weirdly it only hurt when I wore shoes, not when I was in bare feet. After the excitement of buying new trainers (see, I've caught up now) I tried them out on the treadmill. They are comfortable, no doubt about it. And my heel hurt less in my new trainers than anything else I'd put on my feet. 

However, there was still a niggling pain so today I decided to do a very short walk, maybe just ten miles or so, to get a walk in, get my steps in (10,000 a day goal at the moment) and try doing a road walk in trainers; obviously not the new ones, I'd hate to get them dirty.

So, after donning my very peculiar toe socks I set off in my old comfy trainers.  It's odd isn't it. I mean, we never question gloves v mittens, but toe socks v normal socks just look weird, I have to say though, they are mightily comfortable.

Anyway, toe socks on, and over socks because today is flipping cold, I set off, intending to walk 5 miles one way, turn around and walk 5 miles back.

Did I do it? Did I heck!  A mile and a half in I called Dan to ask him if he'd come and pick me up. I don't want to do any more damage than whatever damage I've already done to my heel and even to think the word 'Achilles' fills me with dread because I know how long that takes to heal (not heel, so no puns to see here!). All I can glean from my little sojourn up the road is that my heel is more painful going downhill than uphill. Hmm, strange. Time to hit google.

So for once in my life I've done the sensible thing and stopped. I'm cross with my heel, very cross, but I'm going to talk very nicely to it so that it gets better quickly. Meanwhile, it's time to hit the gym, I may as well do some weights so at least I get something fitty done today :). Happy Saturday!


  1. 😬 My heels felt pretty sore after my first 16-mile walk, but they recovered quickly, and I put it down to my very old trainers with very old and worn soles, particularly at the heels. Hoping for a better outcome with my new shoes.

    Please stop worrying about your pace - the rest of us will haul you back in by default if we're sticking together as a team (as you've said we are). Distance matters more than pace.

    As for those socks, I thought I was looking at Wallace's hands. 😁 (As in Wallace and Gromit.)


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