Good news :)

Amy had her stitches out yesterday :). Now she can wash her hair properly and feel human again. Happy days. Not only that, but while Amy and Issy were at the hospital, George Samandouras, Amy's consultant, popped up to see them. He went through the details of the operation, as neither of them knew the ins and outs and then he told Amy how surprised and pleased he was that she had progressed so well. He was impressed by her levels of speech!

We are so grateful to George and his team. They are the most wonderful, calm and professional yet the most warm and reassuring people you could have the pleasure to know and if anyone reading this ever needs brain surgery, you couldn't find better than George and his team!

Saturday morning I will be up bright and early. Don't ask me how, I haven't done a 'bright and early' for so long I can't remember how but I'm going to aim for a 25 mile walk. I hope then to be slightly ahead of the training schedule which will give me confidence, at least for the first day of the walk. But I have to be at the Village Hall at 2pm, setting up for the Race Night which I'm compering. Busy day Saturday. (Not to mention watching football at 3pm, oh the joys.)

And, in more good news, the walking team is growing and we have now raised over £2000 for Cavernoma Alliance UK. I'd love to raise £3000 but we will see, that may be slightly ambitious.

So, that's all the news, and it's all good. Happy days!  

Again, and from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who has called, messaged, posted, donated, supported in any way Amy, me and the family. You are all amazing and to those who are walking with me at the end of May, a huge thank you for taking the time to train, to ask for donations and to go through the pain with me!  I'm so grateful. 💓


  1. ❤ 😊 Well you still have a minimum of £330 to add to the current total, from my fundraising that is yet to begin. 😉 (Maybe tomorrow?)

    Thanks for sharing all the happy news, and good luck with Saturday, particularly compering an event with 25 miles in your legs. 😬

    1. And there's more incoming :).
      Thanks Gordster! That's if I make 25 miles ;) 🤞


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