Training walk number 2

 I set off yesterday morning at 7.30am.  I had intended to get going at 7am but I dillied and dallied, dallied and I dillied. Thankfully I didn't lose my way more than twice.

I was trying new socks. They have toes, it's the weirdest thing. But apparently they stop blisters so I thought I'd give them a try. I have bought two different makes, and this time thought I'd give the cheaper ones a go, because if they're good, I don't need to buy lots of expensive ones.

In the training plan provided by Ultra Challenge, by next week we should be aiming for 18 miles continuous.  So, since I'm probably not going to get the chance to walk next week because I'll be being a mum with Amy, I figured I should attempt it this week. It was a beautiful morning as I set off and perfect walking weather.

I had decided not to go as speedily as last week but to be honest, I was already a little knackered from a week of poor sleep so I didn't think I'd have much choice! I was aiming for a speed of 3.5 miles per hour, but after a few minutes I realised I wasn't even doing that so upped the pace a bit. I wasn't sure exactly how far I would go but thought it best to do the same route as last week (without the mistakes - though obviously that didn't go to plan entirely, it's me we're talking about 

As I wandered on, I started having discussions with myself. Do I get to the village I was going to finish at, measure how far I'd gone, and then see how many miles it would take to get to 18 miles and divide it by two, or should I just go to Bawtry and turn around and hope I'd get back. After much deliberation and arguing with myself, I decided to do the latter, for two reasons. One, I would go further and I do like to push myself, and two, it'd be almost a third of the total distance in May, and that seemed like a good thing to aim for.  

As the sun started rising properly, it brightened my thoughts. I haven't lived here all that long. About eighteen months. Having lived in the London area all my life I was used to traffic, smoke, smells, noise and people. Now I live in the countryside and I breathe fresh air and I can't help but smile. I love where I live. It's not the rolling hills of the peaks or the beauty of the Lakes, but it's friendly, pretty and quiet.  I think I'm getting old!  It always amazes me when people I've never met stop for a friendly chat, and shop assistants are warm and helpful.

But I digress.  The rising sun lifted my spirits and I sped up a bit, my pace nearer what I'd hoped it would be. Though I still had time to admire my surroundings as I went on.

Last week I had stopped for a snack break at mile six so I decided to aim for mile seven this week. I had in my mind where I would stop but when I got there, there wasn't anywhere to sit, and I needed to get gravel out of my shoe!  So I ended up going a little further, somewhere around the start of mile eight which felt good.  I unlaced and gave my toes a wiggle. The socks were definitely working well, despite my sweaty feet (sorry!). They do say you should change your socks every 25km, I think that's a good idea.  I had a protein bar (caramel pretzel flavour - what's not to love!), and had already had a squeezy energy gel (tropical flavour - delish). A swig of water later, and I was on my way again. I'd decided my next stop would be at mile fourteen, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Last week, the walk to Bawtry had seemed quite tough, this week, despite a couple of minor detours,  slightly aching hips an increasingly sore little toe (which needs investigating) it had been fairly straightforward. Buoyed by that thought, I turned around and headed back the way I'd come. 

I have to admit, there's a section of the walk that goes through woods and I don't like it particularly. So I decided I'd get through the woods before I next stopped for a snack stop.  I also realised that at the end of the woods on the way to Bawtry, there's a very steep slope, which meant that on the way back I'd be climbing up it. The thought filled me with dread but when I got to the top I realised it wasn't so awful, though I was puffing and panting a bit!

Once through the woods there was nowhere to stop that looked comfy, so on I went, until I got to mile sixteen. It was then I figured that I would indeed be doing about twenty miles. That hadn't been the plan but the thought of doing almost a third of the 62 was quite a chuffy thought! I knew, as soon as I got to the canal I was almost there. Just a couple of miles along the canal and I'd be at the pub, where Dan and I had agreed to meet for a drink at the end of my walk. 

I had imagined gin and tonic for quite a while, but as I got nearer, I realised that all i really wanted was a lager and lime. I started speeding up a bit at the thought.

I called Dan with twenty minutes to go and we met at the pub. I flopped onto a chair and smiled as Dan presented me with my pint.

It had been a good day, one little sore toe, and achy hips, but I know I can do this. Happy with my time in the end and I enjoyed the challenge. 

Now the real challenge begins. Off to London on Tuesday to be with Amy as she goes into hospital. A stressful week ahead but I know it will be worth it and she'll come out the other side with flying colours.

Onwards and upwards.


  1. Well done you 💜

    1. Rebecca - aka mum12 February, 2023 13:38

      Thank you :) ❤️

  2. Amazing effort ❣️

  3. Blimey - you're even training for the early starts. 😬

  4. Fantastic effort - well done so far xx


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