Time to go home

And that, as they say, was that. 

Yesterday I left Amy and Issy to their own devices.  It wasn't easy, even though I know they will be ok. Issy is very much on the case, knowing when Amy has to take her medication, making sure she eats well, and having such wonderful patience when Amy struggles with words. Amy is doing so well, she is doing things around the flat, has been out walking and is desperate to do more. They will be fine. Of course they will.

Knowing all that obviously didn't stop me getting emotional when it came to saying goodbye. I mean, it's not like I'll never see them again and all I've done is take myself home and get back to normal, speaking to them on the phone, messaging, and seeing them occasionally. That's the norm, but this time leaving them felt very different. 

Still, leave them I did and after a lovely journey home on Hull trains it was so good to see Dan and Steffy and to be welcomed with a wagging tail and plenty of licky kisses. Obviously Steffy's, Dan doesn't do licky kisses! It was good to be home for sure, and to breathe in the fresh country air.

But although I imagined I'd sleep really well last night, it wasn't to be. I don't know why but I spent a lot of time thinking about the last week and a half, trying to recall all that has happened, some of it seems so very long ago, almost as if it was a dream, or a nightmare in parts. I'm so glad I've written the blog. At first I wasn't sure about it to be honest, not sure if I could do it and certainly not sure I'd want to start it, only to find something going wrong with Amy, that would have been very difficult I think. But as Cavernoma Alliance had suggested it, I thought I'd give it a go. It's been, so far, a really good way of remembering details, and also very therapeutic. 

But now is the time to lighten up a little. Now I need to focus on walking, and I know I've said this already, so forgive me for repeating myself, but I will definitely be posting less often. Promise!

Today is all about rest and recuperation. Dan is off to Sheffield for the football, and I will watch from the comfort of my sofa. Soon the hard work continues on the walking but for now, I definitely need a break.  I won't feel bad, I'll just feel ready when I get going.

A short entry today, (thank goodness, you say?) so for now, I want to say again, thank you all for reading, for taking the time to message, to call, to donate to the walk in aid of Cavernoma Alliance UK, in a nutshell, to care. You have no idea how appreciated you are by me, and by the family and 'thank you' could never be enough.

And remember you are welcome to join our team of now 4 on the walk from London to Brighton at the end of May, either for the whole 100km, or 50km or 25km, just ask me for details, or if that's not your thing then please do think about donating here:


Many, many thanks.


  1. Welcome home! 😊

    The air around here is even more country than yours, now that Sam and I have arrived at this converted barn very near Silverstone. I woke to the sounds of mooing cows this morning. 🐮😁

    1. Have a fab time! Love the smell of cows in the morning ;)

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