Operation Cavernoma Removal - Day 0 + 6

 Today was Amy's first full day at home. She woke late, having had the best sleep she'd had for a week. Her wound had woken her once in the night but otherwise she had slept right through which was great.

When I arrived, Amy and Issy were still in bed and Issy's mum had been working and doing yoga. She got herself ready to leave as the girls surfaced and we said our goodbyes. 

Mid morning, Amy had an online appointment with Dominic, from the epilepsy department. Quite coincidentally because this was her annual appointment when Dominic reviews her medication. He had no knowledge of her operation and was pleasantly surprised, after talking to Amy, to find that it was only a week ago. He thought she was doing really well.  He had been about to drop the dosage of her anti seizure meds, but knowing that she'd just had the operation, he changed his mind, informing us that now she is more likely to have a seizure, for a while anyway. He thought her current dosage was fine, and said he'd see her next year. Dominic is lovely by the way. I have to say, I'm yet to meet anyone in any of the hospital teams that hasn't been lovely and had a good bedside manner. Impressive to be honest.

Most of the day Amy was far more alert than she had been in the hospital, fading now and again and with the same vocabulary struggles, but in herself, she was much brighter, though still looked very pale. 

Lewis came for a couple of hours and she video called with good friends and managed to read a few text messages and respond in brief to a couple. There is definitely daily improvement which is fabulous to see.

After Lewis left, Amy and I went for a little walk round the block. We didn't want to push it but she enjoyed her outing and it felt good to be outside. 

Lewis had brought a curry, cooked by Char, which  we had for dinner and was delicious and being as it's Shrove Tuesday we followed it up with pancakes. Yum.

So, the first day of the home recovery has gone really well. I'll be here for the next couple of days at least and am looking forward to Phoebe's visit tomorrow, and the promise of chicken soup. Hopefully it'll be as good as her mama makes (ha!).


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