I know I said I'd slow down but...

So a small addendum to my post earlier. 

Today Amy had an appointment at her local Doctors' surgery to remove her stitches.  She saw the nurse who removed the dressing and cleaned up the wound and 'had a go' at taking the stitches out but she couldn't get a hold of them so she decided not to go further, just in case. Amy now has an appointment at the hospital on Monday to get the stitches removed.

To be honest, I think, judging by the wound, a couple more days won't hurt.

When they arrived back at the flat, Amy was able to wash most of her hair and that helped make her feel so much better. 

I spoke to Amy earlier and she sounds so much better. It's wonderful to hear whole sentences without too much of a stumble. Improvement again today and later she has very close friends dropping by which will be lovely.

Another good day :)


  1. Sounds very positive, which is great to hear


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