
Showing posts from May, 2023

And that, as they say, was that.

Wow. Where do I begin? What a weekend! Two days of glorious sunshine, beautiful views, sore feet and aching muscles but wow! So where do I begin? At the beginning of course. Friday afternoon I left home to catch the train to London. Retford is a cute little old fashioned station and as I stood on the platform waiting for the train I felt a bit like I was willingly going for a weekend of torture and  I had to question my sanity. An hour and a half later I was at Kings Cross. I'm very familiar with Kings Cross now and I love it, and I was excited about meeting Phoebe for a carb fest. We found a lovely Italian restaurant called Casa Tua, just a six minute walk from Kings Cross Station. Really excellent pasta and lovely service. I must admit, I tend not to eat a lot of pasta these days so all the pasta of the previous couple of days and on Friday was an absolute joy, I was loving it!  It was so fabulous to have a good excuse to catch up with Phoebe too.  From there it was back to the s

A last post before the walk...probably!

Good morning all :) I know I said the last post was probably the last post before the walk but as ever, I've changed my mind! So, here is the last post, probably, before I head to London this afternoon which usually would be nothing out of the ordinary but today seems hugely exciting. This week and last have been quiet on the training front and in the last few days I've had the absolute pleasure of 'carbing up'. It's only when you start eating pasta for the first time in a while you realise how much you miss it. I will be looking forward to more of it at Kings Cross when I meet Phoebe later, in the early evening, for a last bowl-full before I head to friends in Bushey, where I will be staying tonight. Linda, brAmyac team member, will be coming over at 5am tomorrow and we will head to Richmond, getting a lift with my lovely friend, Nigel, and my other lovely friend Dawn who is coming with to wave us off :). So kind of them! When we get there, we are meeting up with o