
Showing posts from April, 2023

Two for the price of one

  Firstly, and very importantly, there's something I need to mention which has been a little overlooked during my last posts. One. The fundraising for CAUK is going brilliantly, and even though Amy's dad has bottled  had to pull out of the walk, he has still managed to raise a massive amount of money so yay to him. But this is a team effort, which brings me to my second point. I am just one of a team of people (three others if you recall) who are mad enough to do this ridiculously long walk and the others are doing so well, both with fundraising and with training, it's just fabulous. Never let it be said that team brAmyac isn't blowing many raspberries to Cavernomas. So, thank you to the team, who will make the pain and suffering at the end of May a far more enjoyable experience! Now,  you may have realised, I'm a little behind schedule with my training so for the last couple of days I've been out walking.  Here is a summary of those two days and I have to admit

What's with the weather? And other stories!

Good morning :). It's Sunday and grey and wet and not that warm. I'm not a happy bunny! I thrive on good weather, and this is just getting a bit too much. Whoever is in charge of weather up there, we are all fed up with it now, can we have some sunny warmth please? You teased us last week for a day or two, but honestly? That wasn't enough. /rant! So, back to the point. Friday was a designated walk day. I had arranged with a friend to go walking which has been seriously lacking. Yes, I feel I've barely trained, and am beginning to panic, and also walking with a friend is lacking too. I mean, it's so much more fun than trudging on my own. So, my friend Ian and I had arranged to meet on Friday morning but I knew the arrangement was doomed when he finished his last message with 'see you Friday, weather permitting'. Darn you, weather person up there! So with the arranged walk postponed for now, I decided I would do three hours on the treadmill. Did I? Did I heck!

A slightly different type of post today

So today I walked. I am thrilled with my walk today and I was going to give you lots of different bits and bobs to read but you know what? It's so much easier speaking it, so here's a link to the soundbites I recorded on my route and was going to use to write my blog from, but you're welcome to listen to me panting, imagine me sweating, and then panting a bit more! I think I might even sniff a lot and I apologise, it was just darn cold and very much nose-runny weather ;) So, without further ado, here's the soundbites, and below, the pictures of my journey :). Soundbites of my Walk I started off, dressed for winter, and my ears were covered so that the wind didn't get in. I know, probably an old wives tale but I didn't want to take the risk and so I wrapped up like an old lady out of Coronation Street. I hadn't worn my new trainers on a proper walk yet so decided, despite the forecast of rain, I'd give them a go with my new and hugely comfy socks (which,