
Showing posts from January, 2023

Trying to do the right thing!

It's not easy trying to get things off the ground.  To begin with, I wrote to the charity, Cavernoma Alliance UK who have been incredibly supportive about the walk, and asked them if they wouldn't mind contacting the Ultra Challenge people to be a supported charity so that a. it would be better for them, getting more money for anyone who signs up for the walk and b. cheaper for those signing up!   I thought it would be wrong I was. The charity emailed the company, as did I, before Christmas. Probably not the best time, I admit, so during the second week of January, I emailed again, as did the charity. No reply. I sent them a tweet. Nothing. It's as if nobody wants us to do the walk or give them any money.  Anyway, to cut a long story short, we finally got hold of them last week and the charity have agreed to register. It will probably take until the end of this week before I'm able to sign up and get the team name registered. As for the name, I hummed and har

The background

  Hi. My name is Rebecca and I am a mum.   I have 3 children. Lewis is my eldest, he's 29. Amy is my second, she's 26 and Phoebe is my youngest, at 23.  They're good people and they make me proud. However, that's not the point of this blog.  For the purposes of this, Amy is the central character, which i suppose makes sense since she's the middle child. Amy is an English teacher in a school in London. She was training during lockdown which naturally wasn't easy as a lot of her lessons had to be done online. She passed her course that summer and began looking for a job.   If you remember back to that summer, we were allowed to socialise in gardens with a few people but not go inside the house.  Amy didn't live with me by that time, so one day she drove over for lunch, breaking off from her job searches to socialise with her ol' mum.   It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and once lunch was made, we sat together on the grass, chatting the afternoon away.  At